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Looking for Hypnosis/Life Coaching Sessions in the Tucson Area?

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If you live in the Tucson region, we provide Arizona Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy for individual sessions


Our Tucson foothills office is located on Skyline Rd. between N. Swan and Pontatoc Rd. 


When it comes to Tucson area hypnotherapy and life coaching, we offer outstanding programs operated by dedicated, professional staff that are here to help you.


If you live outside the region, we also provide clients with sessions by phone and/or zoom. 


I record your sessions just like in the office and send you the session audio via email as an mp3.  There is a free app you can use to store and play all your sessions and bonus audios.


If you wish to learn more about life coaching with hypnotherapy, please click on that banner below to schedule a Free Personal Transformation Consultation, your First Session that lasts two hours, or an Ongoing Hour-Long Session.


For Deeper Transformation we offer a program that can be found at Hypnosis for Transformation

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Hypnotherapy sessions are individually designed specifically to fit your needs

Whether you wish to work on one particular issue or just feel better about yourself, you will find that at Greenwood Hypnotherapy we offer Hypnosis sessions and Life Coaching to support your efforts of fulfillment.


Many people are unsure of whether they can be hypnotized.  Some are afraid of losing control. Others are afraid that they will divulge secrets. Still others are just afraid of the process.


Come in for your free Hypnosis Consultation for Hypnotherapy and learn how easy it is to be hypnotized.  Once you realize you are still in control, you don’t divulge secrets and how relaxing the process is, you will feel positive, comfortable and successful.


Discover why up until now permanent change has been difficult. Release old programming and negative behaviors that once sabotaged your efforts to change your life.  

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Why Should You Work With Me? 


Hello, my name is David Greenwood.  For over 25 years I have helped thousands of people overcome old habits by using the power of clinical hypnotherapy and life coaching. 


My goal is to help you live a better life by overcoming what is holding you back.  I combine my Masters Degree training in Counseling Psychology, my years of experience and certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy, my Masters Degree in Science and my certification as a Life Coach to provide you with the most professional personal growth and hypnosis services in the Tucson and extended region.


I always offer a free consultation in person or by phone to help you feel comfortable with hypnosis and working with me.  I look forward to meeting you and helping you to overcome old issues and achieve your dreams.

Our Tucson Life Coaching and Hypnosis Programs!​
1. During your first session of two hours, we create the right program this fit for you.
2. Together we determine what Transformational Program is best for you.
3. Our goal is to guide you toward embracing your more empowered, healthier mind.
4. We constantly monitor your growth to help you achieve your goals.

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What’s Your Story?


Are your old habits and doubts holding you back?  Is it important for you to lose weight, overcome anxieties and fears, stop smoking, release phobias or just change your life for the better?  How have those old habits and fears affected your life? Perhaps your relationships have suffered.  


Maybe your self esteem has been assaulted.  You might even lie awake at night feeling helpless and unsure what to do next.  You probably yearn for that day when you just begin to feel better.

Imagine, If You Will…


Imagine that you are there, one year from today.  How do you see yourself?  Are you feeling better, more confident and free?  Imagine that from this new place, you think back to that time when you were confused and powerless, unsure what to do next or where to turn.  As if it were yesterday, you remembered hearing something about hypnosis and decided, “What the heck, why not give it a try?  I’ve tried just about everything else.”  You chose our hypnotherapy and life coaching sessions to help you achieve your dreams.


Imagine that you just felt better, even hopeful.  


Old thoughts and worries began to fade, replaced with positive thoughts and a growing sense of self confidence.  You began to say and do things differently, taking charge of your life.  Eating better, feeling healthier, more energetic and comfortable with the positive new changes.  After each session you felt better and began to alter your behaviors.  No more sleepless nights, no more letting fear and concern hold you back, no more self sabotage and failure.


Everything began to change for the better as you learned how to focus your thoughts, feelings and actions upon what it is you did want. And the days became weeks and the weeks became months as you enjoyed your new found freedom. 

Your Best Decision

​And at that moment, one year in the future, you knew that investing in hypnosis and life coaching was one of the best decisions you had ever made.  That investing in yourself and changing your thoughts and feelings at this deep level of transformation was worth its weight in gold.  That mastering your fears and developing self confidence helped you create the positive, joyous life you now lead.

And it was far easier than you ever had imagined. 

It wasn't magic and you did need to stay focused to overcome old self sabotage.  You wondered why you hadn’t thought of using life coaching and hypnosis before.  With a smile you realize that you will never go back to the old ways…to the old worries and concerns of the past.  Now you look forward to a new life which leads you onward into a brand new and better chapter of your life.

So Where Do You Start?


Here on my website, you’ll discover the power of positive hypnosis and how it assists you in creating healthy changes in your life.  There is a lot of information about hypnosis available on the website.  My goal is to answer all your questions so that if you wish to continue with a hypnosis session, you are well aware of the benefits and the process of hypnosis.  I only want you to take the next step when you are fully ready to make positive changes with your life.




Are You Ready To See How Our Hypnosis Sessions Are Designed To Help You…


  • Release anxiety and regain your self confidence

  • Lose the weight of the past

  • Create healthier relationships

  • Exude more energy and enthusiasm

  • Live a happier, more fulfilling life

  • Awaken refreshed and excited about the new day?
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Why not take the next step and learn how others living in the Tucson area used hypnotherapy and life coaching to help you to create new, positive attitudes and behaviors?



Are you serious about making a change? Are you ready to learn what has been sabotaging your efforts? 


Are you worth it? If the answer is yes, then contact us today. If the answer is no, then you need to contact us immediately! You don’t have to go it alone – we can help. We provide clients in the Tucson area with the hypnosis and hypnotherapy services from our Diamond Foothills Plaza office and everywhere else by phone or zoom.


Hypnotherapy isn’t magic – it’s science.  Life Coaching isn't difficult, it's refreshingly natural.  But the results can be magical as well as powerful. Find out if hypnosis and life coaching is right for you.


Perhaps you’re wondering how to schedule your free Consultation?


Click on the “Free Consultation” button below to schedule yours.



We offer you the opportunity for you to experience life coaching and hypnotherapy.

It's easy to reach us from anywhere in the Tucson area.  Our goal is to provide professional hypnotherapy to everyone in the region.


Interested in weight loss?


Go here now to learn more about our hypnosis weight loss sessions in our Tucson office

Interested in releasing anxiety?  Here is more information about resolving your issue with hypnotherapy.


Hypnosis audio programs are a powerful tool for change.  Don’t underestimate their value.  Often they are your sole method of daily support that keep you motivated and focused upon success.

What are hypnosis sessions like?


You will be pleasantly surprised to learn how easy and enjoyable hypnotherapy can be.  If you wish to talk more, just schedule your free consultation.


​Sessions are a combination of counseling, life coaching and hypnosis.  Not only will you experience the relaxation and refocus of hypnosis, we will also set up your plan for success using current techniques and programs.


What happens during your first hypnosis session? Your first hypnosis session is two hours long.  During the first half of that session we...


  • Help you determine your goals and desires

  • Focus you upon the you of the future, one year from today

  • Review when, where and how the issue began

  • Discuss and list the benefits of reaching your goals

  • Learn what has been sabotaging your efforts to change

  • Answer questions about hypnosis and learn self-hypnosis techniques

  • Discuss what you can expect during each session


We will also adjust the sessions if you are a male or female hypnosis client.  Why is this?  We need to focus upon your unique situation and men and women can have different perspectives and different issues.  The second hour you will relax into your first hypnotherapy session.

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How do Hypnosis audios help your program?


Your hypnotherapy and life coaching session is recorded and emailed to you as an mp3 for your at-home reinforcement or to listen on your mobile device.  This is a vital and unique feature of our program. Without reinforcement, positive suggestions can be overridden by old, negative behaviors.  The established negative belief system is strong and will, at first, resist new positive behaviors.  With reinforcement, however, the new behaviors become your new habits. 


We are sensitive so that our hypnosis female clients feel most comfortable with during the sessions.  We also offer men the hypnosis program best designed for them.  Our goals is to help you relax and find the process that helps you the most.


When do you come back in? Each ongoing hypnotherapy session is about 50 minutes long and occurs about once every week.  Each session brings deeper relaxation as you enjoy the pleasurable, comfortable experience while taking in the positive suggestions, behaviors and habits.  We record every session and not only give you each session's mp3 recording, but also offer free bonus hypnosis sessions and motivational audios for use at home.


What’s the experience like? It’s as if you were watching a movie in your mind or listening to an audio book.  As you picture, imagine, and experience the positive suggestions you begin to feel more confident and learn to direct your attention toward the life you do want.  Each session is distinctly individual and focuses on your issues, behaviors and goals.  If you wish we will call you by name during the session and on your recording.  

How Many Hypnosis Sessions Will it Take?


Although everyone has a unique history, years of experience has shown me that an 8 session program with 4 follow-up sessions are most appropriate for helping most of my clients be successful.  If you need deeper support, 10 sessions work best.  Of course without knowing your particular needs, habits, desire for change, focus, motivation and other important factors, it is impossible to precisely know how many sessions it will take for you to reach your goals.  So I also offer individual sessions beyond that program at a reduced rate.


First we offer a free consultation to help determine how many sessions you might need.  Our goal is to have you experiencing life with new, positive behaviors as soon as possible.


So click here to schedule your free Personal Transformational Hypnosis Consultation today and discover how Hypnosis Sessions will help you

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