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Tucson Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Learn the value of using hypnosis to lose weight by watching this short video


Intrigued? Which of these sounds familiar…



  • “I’m tired of not fitting into my clothes…”

  • “I feel out of control…

  • “I have tried every diet under the sun…

  • "I don't seem to have any energy...

  • “I do well for awhile, then everything goes to hell…

  • “I seem to sabotage myself…

  • "I hate the way I look...

  • "I lose weight, but then gain weight right back”.

Hypnotherapy vs. Traditional Therapy


Traditional therapy delves into your past and can take years to uncover every aspect of your issues.  While it’s good to understand why you do something, spending time going over it again and again may not bring real transformation of your issue.  Hypnotherapy for weight loss is a rapid therapy that focuses upon what to do next.  No need to devote years, even months to this process.  Instead, hypnotherapy is very much about self empowerment and changing your life in a positive way right now.

Many weight loss programs that use hypnosis only offer you positive suggestions for weight loss, but our Hypnotherapy Program is more advanced and complete because it focuses upon:

1. Training your mind to think positively

2. Resolving your inner conflict

3. Helping your subconscious mind to change its behaviors

4. Using Tapping to Release Issues

4. Connecting with your inner parts

5. Focusing on releasing old behaviors

6. Regressions to source issue


Our program is designed to work on a deep level to help you recognize when self sabotage arises so that you can stay focused upon your goals


We focus on having you picture, feel and know that you can choose healthier foods in the right sized portion, reduce snacking and choose healthier snacks, drink the water and exercise, finding the form of exercise that fits for you.

And as the program anchors new healthy habits within your positive subconscious mind, we also focus upon feeling more confident, on being positive, empowered, successful and energized.  Your self esteem and self worth improves as your Authentic Self emerges and takes control over what you eat and when you eat it.



We also offer supportive tools for success

Hypnosis audios are also an important part of your hypnotherapy sessions. We record your weight loss sessions and then give you a Hypnosis mp3 audio for you to use at home for positive reinforcement.  You also receive bonus Motivational audios to listen to in your car or as you workout.

Traditional therapy delves into your past and can take years to uncover every aspect of your issues.  Like peeling an onion, it focuses upon reliving events over and over again.  While it’s good to understand why you do something, spending time going over it again and again may not bring real transformation of your issue.  Hypnotherapy is a rapid therapy that focuses upon what to do next.  No need to devote years, even months to this process.  Instead, hypnotherapy is very much about self empowerment and changing your life in a positive way right now.

Hypnosis for Passing the Bar Exam Slide
Losing Weight using Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy worked as a door for me - a door into a new way of thinking and responding to my own intuition. And that has helped me move ever closer to my goals. The changes were subtle and did not come all at once. In fact, they are still coming! Not only do I find myself stronger, more confident and peaceful than before hypnotherapy, but I have achieved more clarity and discernment about my goals, and what works and what doesn't to help me achieve them.I started hypnotherapy to try to lose weight. I didn't lose weight immediately. It is now clear to me that the hypnotherapy gently moved my obstacles away, and led me to the right actions to help me lose the weight -- actions that I couldn't see before.

I am about one quarter of the way to my weight goal, and on a clear path to finish the journey. Along the way, I also gained clarity and confidence about my career goals, money, home life, spiritual path, and relationships. Well worth the price, when every important aspect of my life has been positively touched by the process. Thank you, David. Your kind, gentle approach and sincere care for each individual who walks through your door allowed me to relax into this process, and I'm ever so glad I did.    --Colette Rice

Read what Cam, Leslie, Scott and others have to say about using hypnosis for weight loss.  Visit our Testimonial page to learn more.


You also have the option of coming in for your first session then complete the rest of your sessions at home by phone.  We talk for the first 20 minutes then complete a hypnosis session while you relax at home or in your office.  We then immediately send you the mp3 version of your session.


Alternatively, I have completed the entire program by phone without the need for any face to face discussions.  Whatever works best for you.


Our program is designed to work on a deep level to help you recognize when self sabotage arises so that you can stay focused upon your goals.


Learn more about the benefits of using hypnosis for weight loss by coming in for your free, achieve your healthy weight consultation


With over twenty-two years of hypnosis experience, I know that weight loss occurs when your subconscious mind has been retrained to agree with your conscious desire to be healthy

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Deep Work Hypnosis 


A new approach to weight loss using hypnosis is the lap band hypnosis technique. Many clients find this approach beneficial.  Essentially, under hypnosis you imagine a lap band being put in place that naturally reduces your desire to eat larger portions of food.  It helps you to restrict your intake of food and helps you to eat and desire less.

As an additional bonus, you will also receive a specific plan to achieve your weight loss goals that includes:


1.  How to keep yourself motivated and on track

2.  How to overcome your critical inner voice

3.  How to create positive distractions

4.  How to record your daily efforts


Losing weight using hypnosis is like being given a Magic Wand

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Will you use it to lose weight and…
  • allow yourself to feel more attractive?

  • feel more energetic?

  • fit into more flattering clothes?

  • buy a new wardrobe?

  • come alive and get excited about life?

  • improve your confidence and self esteem?

  • achieve your healthy weight and look great?

  • dress more professionally?

  • enjoy hearing what others say about the new you?

  • …or will you just feel better about yourself?


Ask yourself these three important questions:

How motivated are you to lose that extra weight?

What’s keeping you from achieving this goal?

How will your life change when you lose the weight and achieve this dream?

Consider using our Hypnosis for Weight Loss Program and see what hypnosis can do for you.


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