"Are you ready to leave behind limiting thoughts, destructive beliefs and old issues that sabotage you finding an amazing, fulfilling and joyous life?

Hello, I'm David Greenwood. So what's stopping you from creating an empowered,
successful and healthier life right now?
What's holding you back isn't a lack of ability, desire, or knowledge.
You know what you are supposed to do.
You should be able to succeed and overcome your challenges.
It's as if something is blocking, distracting or even sabotaging your efforts to change.
Over the years many people like you have come to me to find out how they can release old habits, feel more confident, and resolve old issues that constantly block, distract or actively sabotage their efforts to find a happier, more fulfilling life.
Just like them, you have already tried everything to resolve old beliefs and behaviors but still success eludes you. You might have used counseling, therapy and many other forms of personal growth yet still positive change and inner peace is hard to find.
The truth is that some part of you is so strong, so powerful, so determined to control you that it overcomes your healthy desires.
So, isn't it time to:
Overcome old habits even if until now they have kept you stuck?
Feel better about yourself even if you are filled with doubts, worries and concerns?
Discover you are more successful in your career even if there seems to be walls holding you back?
Learn how to respond in your relationships in a healthy way even if you get triggered by your partner?
Become financially more successful even if having more money seems impossible?
Achieve your weight loss goals as you create a healthy you even if until now food was a challenge for you?
Desire to exercise and become healthier even if you have no motivation to do so?
Exude self confidence and overcome old fears and phobias?
Ready to learn what's been stopping you from being successful?
You Are!!!
In this course you will discover that most of your problems, wounds and fears reside not in your conscious mind, but instead in your...
Subconscious Mind.
Yes, your subconscious mind, or as it's commonly called, your
Your ego is the repository of all your early childhood and teenage experiences, which were created over the first 16 years of your life.
During this time you are in a very suggestible trance state, where everything you experience goes in and creates your core beliefs about life and your abilities.
You do not have the ability to say "no" to whatever you hear.
As a child you also make the mistake of believing everything is your fault.
Mom or dad has a bad day and yells, as you don't think, "Oh, they are just having a bad day," no you think "What's wrong with me?" or "What did I do wrong?"
All these negative experiences create your inner core beliefs and what you feel like you deserve.
These experiences anchored within you irrational beliefs of self doubt, worry, concern and low self esteem.
And as your ego gets stronger, these irrational beliefs begin to show through.
In order for you to have the life you wish to live, you must first resolve the inner beliefs and behaviors your negatively conditioned subconscious feels like you deserve.
More about this later, but the fact is until you are 16 you are a sponge, absorbing both positive and negative experiences which created the you that until now you mistakenly thought was the real you.

Why do you need this course?
How can this program help you?
You Need A New Plan!!!
Don't keep fighting yourself. It's a losing battle!
The purpose of this course is to help your subconscious mind become healthier and more positive.
It's time to uncover your true, authentic self, the you that you would have become before all the negative and demeaning experiences infected you like a virus while growing up.
How does this benefit you?
As your true self emerges life just gets happier, healthier and even more amazing. Imagine what its like to be free of the negativity of the past and awaken each morning refreshed and excited about your day. Everything depends upon how you experience life, and I want you to experience life as the healthy, authentic you.
It's time to awaken and embrace the you that you were meant to be... right now.
Awakening each morning excited about your day
Creating a fun and challenging career
Enjoying spending the day around people you like
Embracing a passionate, loving romantic relationship
Resolving old family issues with confidence
Exploring life with a quiet mind
Allowing for insight and inspirations to motivate you
Discovering what's it like to be your authentic self
Heightening your perception and self awareness
Transforming your life in the Now.
Does this seem like an impossible task?
Maybe it feels like too much work.
You don't have the time.
You know there's too much against you.
You don't have the energy.
You don't know where to start.
You don't know who to trust.
You just feel helpless.
Then keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to get what you have right now.
Is that what you really want???

"The content of your consciousness is your consciousness" - J. Krishnamurti

Whatever you experience as reality in your mind in any moment is the person that you are.
If you subconscious is positive, happy and free... that's who you are. If it is filled with doubt, worry and fear... that's who you are.
It all comes down to your ego.
Many people rant and rave about the dangers and drawbacks of having an ego. They stress that the ego will cause nothing but sorrow and heartache.
I think they are missing an important fact.
The fact is that we can't live without an ego!
That's right. Your ego, or the voice of your subconscious mind, is there for a reason. It's meant to be your guide, protector, and advisor.
Unfortunately, due to our upbringing and lack of a healthy emotional and supportive environment, our ego becomes wounded, scarred, irrational and fearful. Through this perspective it sees much of life as a fight or flight existence, which leads to a very stressful, unhappy and often meaningless life.
No wonder everyone wants to destroy, obliterate, ignore, abandon or despise it.
We will always have an ego, and to fight against it only perpetuates old behaviors, for what you resist, persists.

Instead, I offer that the key to a healthy self, to inner freedom, to practical spirituality is to create a healthy ego.
Then it becomes our ally, not our adversary. And yes, it is not the part of us that will experience life in the Now, but it will be the part that allows it to happen.
Everyone seems to think they can find joy, peace and even spiritual transformation while having a controlling ego. This assures that not only will their ego be the part that wants a spiritual experience, but also that such an endeavor is ultimately doomed to failure.
The ego can never find such transformation for it interprets everything through past beliefs and conditioning. It will experience what it believes, and then you are back with the same old hurts, worries and fears.
Our ego is conditioned to fight life, even our own inner parts, instead of understanding, validating and helping them to resolve their issues.
Inner violence can never lead to inner peace.
I offer a saner, healthier, truly doable path to a better life.
And it simply starts by creating a healthier ego, a healthier self.
From this healthier ego you can continue to move deeper and, if you choose, discover how to experience life more and more from the authentic you needing your ego less and less.
But for now, consider taking this essential first step toward freedom from your resistive, conditioned ego.

What are the benefits of having a healthy self?
I know you are tired of feeling like you have to fight a part of yourself when challenges arise.
This is strongest when old habits created by your subconscious mind keep you doing things the same way.
Sometimes you find yourself eating, smoking, drinking, reacting with anger, pouting, frustrated, avoiding or actively escaping a situation or even avoiding feelings.
This is how your subconscious mind reacts to situations.
By escaping, distracting or sabotaging you in order to keep you doing what it thinks you need to do to be safe or what it thinks you deserve based upon old beliefs and conditioning.
The bottom line is that habits created by your ego are hard to break...your ego tries to keep you the same.
So here are just some of the many benefits of having a healthy subconscious mind.
Release old, unhealthy habits of the past
Resolve inner conflict that keeps you stuck
Discover how to respond healthily
Enjoy healthy relationships
Create self confidence and self worth
Learn how to live in the moment
Respond with intelligence to situations
Embrace a healthy lifestyle
Integrate your emotions and intellect
Excel at what you love to do
Uncover and release old ways of being
Awaken each morning excited about life
Bring forth your true, authentic self
Experience living life in the Now
This occurs when your healthier subconscious mind supports your efforts to take charge and take control over how you think, feel, say and do.

Meet David...
David Greenwood has been associated with personal growth since college when he taught an experimental class at the University of Washington on spiritual growth. Even though he pursued his goal of becoming a scientist, at 19 he discovered the teachings of J. Krishnamurti who offered a unique perspective on the ancient wisdom of "know thyself" and brought spirituality into personal development. David was fortunate to be able to experience Now consciousness and eventually attend several of J. Krishnamurti's talks and dialogues in Ojai, CA, in the 1980's.
As a result of his experiences and inspired by the quantum physicist Dr. David Bohm, he sought out others interested in deep psychological transformation and completed a 3 year course in self discovery through emotional growth and healing.
Because of the valuable insights and focus he decided to focus on a career in the field of inner transformation by first becoming certified as a hypnotherapist, then as a life coach, and finally earning his second Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling.
After working as a therapist, he left California and moved back to his home region in the Seattle area, building up his practice and has since helped hundreds of others achieve their individual goals.
Through integrating science, counseling, hypnotherapy and life coaching, he now has expanded his practice into helping others first create an amazing self, use similar deep emotional growth work that he underwent that leads you to discover and enjoy practical spirituality.
This deeper work integrates emotional transformation with the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and Eckhart Tolle, who offers a similar transformative approach.
In addition to his practice he regularly gives talks to a variety of groups and organizations on the subconscious mind as well as creating online programs, relationships groups and retreats in Zion National Park where he completed his Masters thesis in Geology, in Sedona where he gave private geology and spiritual tours, and the Puget Sound area for those interested in combining scientific, practical wonders with deeper, personal transformative awakening.
He has written an ebook on inner parts called, "Splinters of the Mind" and is currently completing his first novel, "Awakening the Guardian."

Ego says, "When I have everything taken care of, I will finally find peace."
Spirit says, "Find peace first, and everything will be taken care of."
- Marianne Williamson
Who will benefit the most from this course?
There are many reasons for you wanting to change your life for the better.
The important thing is that there is a part of you that wants to change, that you are so ready for a better life.
If you are willing to overcome years of negative control, you will find the power to focus on attaining your dreams and experiencing the freedom to think and feel what you want.
So who is this for?

Women and men wanting more joy, peace and a better life

Spiritual seekers ready for inner transformation and awakenings

Business men and women for better focus and greater success
Ready to awaken each morning refreshed and ready for the day? To meet any challenge feeling unencumbered by old habits, worries and fears? Allow yourself to become the person you were meant to be. Experience life as a healthy self with the confidence, freedom and empowerment to enjoy a better tomorrow now.
True spirituality is beyond the realm of your subconscious ego. Experience waking meditation with a quiet mind which comes naturally into being when your ego no longer resists you embracing life in the now. When you experience life this way peace, joy and fulfillment unfold from a healthier balanced mind
Focus and self confidence are an important aspect of success. The only thing holding you back from that is you...more specifically, your resistive subconscious programming. To achieve financial and career success it is essential to be in the healthiest state of mind possible with the balance, focus and motivation to achieve your goals.

"In Wildness is the Preservation of the World"
- Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau understood that our own "wildness" brings us into alignment with nature beyond the bondage of our limited mind. In the stillness of nature you are open to discover who you are and why you are here.

7 Weeks of Subconscious Training
Join David Greenwood for this 7 session online course designed to teach you how to discover, dialogue and transform your subconscious mind. This awakened level of awareness is what frees you to think and feel the way you want to be.
In this seven-week training, David will guide you on a journey into your mysterious yet accessible subconscious mind to learn the truth about yourself and who has actually been in control of much of your life decisions.
Integrating counseling, hypnotherapy and life coaching he will support you along the path of creating a healthier ego.

After each session you will have the opportunity to send me a question about that session's topic.
Your 7 session program also includes a recorded audio version of the course for future use.

Your 7 session program also includes a text version of the course for future use.
Here Is What Is In Your Gold Program
Plus Receive These 3 Additional Special Bonuses:
Bonus #1
Let me guide you on an inner journey to fill your subconscious mind with positive beliefs, behaviors and healthy habits for success. Each module has a unique hypnosis session that complements your program.
Bonus #2
Use your motivational audio that comes with each module for daytime conscious support, even while you are driving your car. These short, dynamic audios keep you focused and motivated.
Bonus #3
An informative bonus session that reveals a deeper level of personal growth. Learn in this free preview the power of inner parts resolution and how with a healthier ego you have the ability to free yourself of the wounds of the past and enjoy emotional freedom.
What Clients Have Said...
Matt Santi
Product Sales
David is awesome! He's a great person to bounce stuff off of, vent, whatever it is you need. He is so patient! He really helped me learn how to get better control of my own thoughts. It's a self program that works when you take the time to invest and do what he recommends. There is no magic pill for feeling better about life. Thank you!
Jesur Habek
Compliance and Relationship Manager for Pharmapacks
"David is amazing he is the first hypnotherapist I went to and he handled my mind with care. I was struggling depression from childhood psychological and mental damage. He helped me to discern the authority in my mind from past trauma voices which in turn later helped me to come to a sense of acceptance. I'm grateful for the work he has done for me."
Jean P
Art Director
I just completed my 10th session with David and absolutely love working with him! My life has improved so much through working with him. The best part is that I don't even have to "remember" to be different. I totally believe in his work and happily recommend him to anyone I meet who's looking to transform their life. Thank you, David!
Kevin Kramer
Insurance Specialist
David Greenwood provides an excellent program that will help you with any of life’s natural obstacles. David helped me overcome many obstacles related to: anxiety, life balance, negative self-talk, and maintaining a positive perspective. This has resulted in a more rapid achievement of goals and a more realistic and positive proactive approach to life. David will help you be the person you want to be.
Victoria Lisowski
Interior Design
Working with David has been such a positive experience. David helped me understand and work through mental blocks which were preventing me from being truly happy. I learned so much and my life and outlook are very different for it! He is a great listener, gives very insightful feedback and is so dedicated and willing to do so much for his clients. I'd recommend him for anyone who wants a positive change in their lives!
L. Bossi
Graphic Designer
David is absolutely fantastic. He's great just to talk to, as well as the hypnosis itself. I always came out of there feeling a thousand times better, calmer and a lot more positive. I love that he records the hypnosis sessions as MP3s and can just Dropbox them right to you; it's super convenient. Would highly recommend him. :)
Scott Lance
Here are a few recorded audio testimonials. Find them at this link:
Anna Ormsby
David Greenwood used life coaching skills to help me detach from the emotional triggers in my life. I am motivated to achieve beyond the limits I had set and am exploring new skills and career possibilities without fear. A load of stress has been removed- thanks David!
Here's Everything You'll Receive When You Enroll:

1) "DISCOVER AN AMAZING YOU" VIDEO COURSE: Seven Weeks of Transformative Training with David Greenwood
2) "DISCOVER AN AMAZING YOU" Q & A EMAIL SESSION: After each video session you will have the opportunity to address your questions
3) "DISCOVER AN AMAZING YOU" AUDIO COURSE: Receive an audio version of your course for future listening
4) "DISCOVER AN AMAZING YOU" TEXT COURSE: Receive a text version of your course for future reading
5) BONUS #1: Hypnosis audio with each of your sessions
6) BONUS #2: Motivational audio to support your conscious focus
7) BONUS #3: Review of inner parts growth work for deeper work

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Save $430
Select "Yes! I want in..." and you will be taken to the next page to complete the registration process
We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with this product for 30 days. This will allow you to review and use over half of your program. If this product fails to meet your expectations—for any reason—simply contact customer service for a full refund.

Your Gold, "Discover An Amazing You"
Course Outline

The Importance of creating a healthy subconscious mind
The purpose of this program is to help you discover, understand, resolve and transform your subconscious mind. In this module I want to fully understand and experience for yourself how your subconscious mind in is charge over much of what you think, feel, say and do; and how it controls most of your life.
It's not your fault. it's just that you are not nearly as powerful as your subconscious mind. In order to regain control you will discover how to create a healthy subconscious, a healthy ego.
Topics include:
Making the decision to change your life for the better is essential for you to wake up as to how little control you have had...until now
Who really has the "will power?"
What is the role of your subconscious mind?
Learn to differentiate the healthy from the unhealthy ego.
Your inner critic and your inner protector
Watch what you think and feel
Creating a healthy ego from a dis-empowered self
Discover the difference this makes in your life
Listen to your hypnosis session to overcome old programming
The benefits of positive beliefs
As you awaken to how much your subconscious controls your life, the benefits of having positive beliefs become apparent.
At this stage it is important to feel how hopeful you become as the power of positive thoughts and feelings bring greater moments of joy and freedom into your daily life. Feelings of wellness and joy begin to manifest without your conscious effort.
Topics include:
Whatever fear or worry, prepare against, resist becomes our reality
Conditioned to believe we can resist and work for better, doesn’t work
Worry is a movement of unhealthy subconscious, which gives it strength
Look right now, how many of thoughts right now about past or future?
Not creating then, but recreating past conditioned behavior
Low to high vibrations, creates difficult life
Life vibrates at a healthy rate, you want to be in attunement to that vibrat.
Vibration you put out returns to you in magnified amount, both good and bad
Law of cause and effect, karma, reap what you sew, goes around comes around, every action has equal and opposite reaction
Create life by old thoughts and emotions, unknowing responsibility
Subconscious beliefs create beliefs as true, see it as fact
Matter is a vibratory rate of energy, beliefs create a vibration that attracts outer events, people and other like vibrations
Project negative past into future, creates anxiety, perpetuates
Focus attention on creates reality, give it life
What you resist, persists Money, health, relationships, etc.
Get what we want by defeating what we don’t want – not!
Authentic Self
Anchoring in you at your best
Hypnosis Session: Authentic Self,Motivational Audio Authentic Self
Intend your day every morning – Healthiest state of mind possible
Gratitude at night – Realize how wonderful you are right now
The “you” you were meant to be. True self, fulfill your destiny, versus let fate seal yours.
Before negative conditioning beat you down and held you back. Discuss growing up and creating the negative, resistive subconscious mind
You of the future, create that positive image as your mind follows the blueprint, the image it has in the subconscious mind. Determines what you deserve and what feels most comfortable for you
Imagine the you of the future. What feeling is most associated with this you of the future? Is it a state of inner peace? Love? Oneness? Joyous Being?
Now imagine going through your daily life with this feeling close by at all times. Can you imagine how it would change your perception of life? Of your daily chores? How with this backdrop of magnificence how it changes everything? Your thoughts and feelings? Your relationships?
This is your Authentic Self, living in Now Consciousness. A state of being that you are allowing yourself to experience more and more now
Topics include:
Release the Past
Guardian Resistance
Fear of success and fear of failure, overcoming old beliefs
Hypnosis Session: Release the Past, 10-1 Awakening Motivational Audio
Fear of success vs. fear of failure, Guardian resistance and doubt, keeps you safe
Now you see the Guardians fears, aware of punisher and protector
You keep going despite resistance, distractions and self sabotage, critical point in your journey to breakthrough
To help, experience that oneness of Now Consciousness. As you subconscious is healthier it will be easier for you to do so. Guide through this video now.
Stillness naturally there when mind is quiet. Guardian afraid of emptiness, doesn’t trust it, out of its control, more aware now of Guardian and it’s program for protection. Time to release it more and more now. Cut the cords on anyone who has or is still holding you back. Family member that rob you of your power and try to control you, other relationships that diminish you and control you, cut the cords.
Find wounded parts within you now that need your help in ways you parents never could. Discover them through journaling and guided meditation audios. Then dialogue with them to gain their trust and take steps to help them release the old beliefs that hold them back, which were never true. Help them feel better, as you feel better as well. When they come alive, you come alive. When they heal, you heal. This is true self love. Loving yourself is loving your inner parts. Become the parent they need with your wiser perspective. Not about blaming parents, fulfilling the role. As they heal and come alive in you, the Guardians power fades as they trust in you more and more now. First the protector then the punisher. Could take some time for full trust. Meant to be our advisor, not our dictator. They have knowledge and skill, so use that and you decide what to do and when to do it.
Topics include:
Transform Your History
How to Connect with the Source of Creativity
What is manifestation? There is a relationship between your predominant state of consciousness (your predominant way of thinking) and what you experience as your reality.
Put simply, manifestation is about influencing your external circumstances by changing your thinking and your state of consciousness. We all manifest. The question is: How are you doing it?
Topics include:
The enormous power of inner space and how to identify with your essence identity—the “Deep I”
Finding a balance between being and doing, and learning how to think without losing Presence
Accessing pure consciousness before form to cocreate with an awakening universe
The hidden grace in every misfortune
Letting go of attachment and accepting impermanence
Awakened Life with Fulfilling Relationships
How to Connect with the Source of Creativity
What is manifestation? There is a relationship between your predominant state of consciousness (your predominant way of thinking) and what you experience as your reality.
Put simply, manifestation is about influencing your external circumstances by changing your thinking and your state of consciousness. We all manifest. The question is: How are you doing it?
Topics include:
The enormous power of inner space and how to identify with your essence identity—the “Deep I”
Finding a balance between being and doing, and learning how to think without losing Presence
Accessing pure consciousness before form to cocreate with an awakening universe
The hidden grace in every misfortune
Letting go of attachment and accepting impermanence
Enlightened Self
How to Connect with the Source of Creativity
What is manifestation? There is a relationship between your predominant state of consciousness (your predominant way of thinking) and what you experience as your reality.
Put simply, manifestation is about influencing your external circumstances by changing your thinking and your state of consciousness. We all manifest. The question is: How are you doing it?
Topics include:
The enormous power of inner space and how to identify with your essence identity—the “Deep I”
Finding a balance between being and doing, and learning how to think without losing Presence
Accessing pure consciousness before form to cocreate with an awakening universe
The hidden grace in every misfortune
Letting go of attachment and accepting impermanence

Normally $925
(for a limited time only)
Save $430
I am both honored and excited to be with you on this journey. To share my thoughts, feelings and experiences with you to help you overcome the old, conditioned ego and create the amazing you that naturally results as you manifest your authentic self.
Through discussion, examples, exercises, guided meditation and hypnotherapy you will move beyond the limitations of your old programming and learn how life feels experiencing it as a healthy self, with a healthier ego.
The key is to create a healthy ego which no longer holds onto old, resistive patterns of behaviors that you learned growing up and mistakenly believed were true about you.
Over the course of this program you will learn how it feels to release the past and begin to live life in the present moment, with a healthier ego and more in alignment with life in the Now.