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"Are you ready to leave behind resistive thoughts, damaging beliefs and harmful issues that sabotage you creating a profitable, fulfilling and successful business?"







Hello, I'm David Greenwood.  So what's stopping you from creating an empowered, successful and fulfilling business right now?


What's holding you back isn't a lack of ability, desire, or knowledge.

You know what you are supposed to do.

You should be able to succeed and overcome your challenges.

It's as if something is blocking, distracting or even sabotaging your efforts to change.





Over the years many people like you have come to me to find out how they can resolve old issues that constantly block, distract or actively sabotage their efforts to find a happier, more fulfilling life.  


Just like them, you have probably already tried everything to resolve old beliefs and behaviors but still success eludes you.  You might have used counseling, therapy and many other forms of personal growth yet still positive change and inner peace is hard to find.  


The truth is that some part of you is so strong, so powerful, so determined to control you that it overcomes your healthy desires.


So, isn't it time to:



  • Overcome old behaviors that until now have kept you stuck?

  • Feel better about yourself even if you are filled with doubts, worries and concerns?

  • Learn how to respond in business challenges in a healthy way even if you get triggered by others?

  • Exude self confidence and overcome old fears and beliefs?


Ready to learn who's been stopping you from

being successful?



It's A Part of You!!!


In this course you will discover that most of your problems, wounds and fears don't come from your conscious mind, but instead come from your...


Subconscious Mind.​



Mountain Range

Yes, your subconscious mind, or as it's commonly called, your Ego.​​​



  • Your ego is the repository of all your early childhood and teenage experiences, which were created over the first 16 years of your life. 


  • During this time you are in a very suggestible trance state, where everything you experience creates your core beliefs about life and your abilities.


  • You do not have the ability to say "no" to whatever you hear, see and experience. 


  • As a child you also make the mistake of believing everything is your fault. 


  • Mom or dad has a bad day and yells, and you don't think, "Oh, they are just having a bad day," no, you think "What's wrong with me?" or "What did I do wrong?"


  • All these negative experiences create your inner core beliefs and the success you feel like you deserve.​

As your ego gets stronger, these irrational beliefs begin to show through.


     In order for you to have the life you wish to live, you must first resolve the inner beliefs and behaviors your negatively  conditioned subconscious feels like you deserve. 

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Why do you need this course?



​Because You Need A New Plan!!!



Don't keep fighting yourself.  It's a losing battle!


The purpose of this course is to help your subconscious mind naturally want to create a profitable, successful business.


It's time to uncover your true, authentic self, the "you" that you would have become before all the negative and demeaning experiences infected you like a virus while growing up.​


How does this course benefit you?


As your true self emerges, life and your business just become more successful, as if what has been blocking it is fading away. Imagine what its like to be free of the negativity of the past and awaken each morning refreshed and excited about your day.  Everything depends upon how you experience life and I want you to experience life and business as the healthy, focused and positive you.

It's time to awaken and discover the successful business you were meant to create.

​1.   Awaken each morning excited about your day


2.   Enjoy spending the day helping others 


3.  Embrace a passionate, successful career


4.  Discover what's it like to be your authentic self


5.  Live the life you have always wanted to live



Does this seem like an impossible task?


Maybe it feels like too much work. 


Your mind might tell you that...


You don't have the time.

You think there's too much against you.

You don't have the energy.

You don't know where to start.

You don't know who to trust.   

You just feel helpless.


But you know that if you keep doing what you are doing  you will continue to get what you have right now.


​Is that what you really want???

"The content of your consciousness is your consciousness"
                                       -  J. Krishnamurti
Whatever part of you that is thinking and feeling in any moment is who you are in that moment.  


If you subconscious is focused on being positive, successful and prosperous... that's who you are. 


If it is filled with doubt, worry and fear... that's who you are.


It all comes down to your ego.


Many people rant and rave about the dangers and drawbacks of having an ego.  They stress that the ego will cause nothing but sorrow and heartache.


I think they are missing an important fact...


We can't live without our ego!


That's right.  Your ego, or the voice of your subconscious mind, is there for a reason.  It's meant to be your guide, protector, and advisor.  


Unfortunately, due to our upbringing and lack of a healthy emotional and supportive environment, our ego can become wounded, scarred, irrational and fearful.


Through this perspective it sees much of life as a fight or flight existence, which leads to a very stressful, unhappy and often unsuccessful business.


No wonder everyone wants to destroy, obliterate, ignore, abandon or despise it.

We will always have an ego, and to fight against it only perpetuates old behaviors... for what you resist, persists.

Instead, I offer that the key to a healthy self, to inner freedom, to business success, is to create a healthy ego.

​Then it becomes your ally, not your adversary.  It's meant to be your advisor, not your dictator.


Some seem to think they can find joy, peace and fulfillment by having a controlling ego.  This assures that not only will their ego be the part that makes wrong decisions, but also that such an endeavor is ultimately doomed to failure.  


The resistive ego can never find a fulfilling business, for it interprets everything through past beliefs and conditioning.  It will experience what it believes you deserve, and often that takes you back into the same old hurts, worries and fears.


Our negative ego is conditioned to struggle against fear and avoid pain.  It's not equipped for success.


Inner doubts can never lead to inner joy and true success..


I offer a saner, healthier, truly doable path to a better life.


And it simply starts by creating a healthier ego, a healthier self.


From this healthier ego you discover how to create a successful, fulfilling business.

Not convinced?  Why not consider taking this essential first step toward business success and freedom from your resistive, conditioned ego?

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Meet David...


David Greenwood has been associated with personal growth since college when he taught an experimental class at the University of Washington on inner awareness.  Even though he pursued his goal of becoming a scientist and earned a Masters Degree in Geoscience, at 19 he discovered the books on the ancient wisdom of "know thyself" that brought his focus upon personal development.  


Because of the valuable insights he soon experienced with emotional growth work, at the age of 40 he decided to focus on a career in the field of inner transformation by first becoming certified as a hypnotherapist, then as a life coach, and finally earning his second Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling. 


After working as a therapist, he left California, moved back to his home region in the Seattle area, then moved to Tucson, Arizona, and rebuild his practice helping

hundreds of others achieve their individual goals.


Through integrating science, counseling, hypnotherapy and life coaching, he now has expanded his practice into helping others create an amazing self and fulfilling, successful business.


In addition to his practice, he regularly gives talks to a variety of groups and organizations on the subconscious mind as well as creating online programs and retreats in Zion National Park where he completed his Masters thesis in Geology, in Sedona where he gave private geology and personal growth tours, and the Tucson area for those interested in combining scientific, practical wonders with deeper, personal transformative awakening. 


​He has written an ebook on inner parts called, "Splinters of the Mind" and is currently completing his first novel, "Awakening the Guardian."

Ego says, "When I have everything taken care of, I will finally find peace."


Spirit says, "Find peace first, and everything will be taken care of."


                     - Marianne Williamson

Who will benefit the most from this course?


There are many reasons for you wanting to change your life for the better. 


Enjoying a fulfilling, successful business is one of the important things you can do for yourself.


If you are willing to overcome years of negative control, you will find the power to focus on attaining your dreams and experience the joy of creating an amazing business.


Here are some specific questions and concerns we will address together...

1.   How to I know what a healthy business looks like?
2.   What part of me makes bad financial choices?
3.   What if a part of me resists success?
4.   How does my subconscious mind control me?
5.   How will I know when my negative mind takes me over?
6.   Is it hard to change my negative mind?
7.   My mind seems more protective than negative, is that normal?
8.   Why would my mind sabotage my business?
 How can I make better choices to improve my success?
10.  Isn't it normal to have conflict in life?
11.   How do I get out of the pattern of arguing with others?
12.  What if I am focusing only on success. Is that bad?
13.  What can I expect as my conditioned mind releases old beliefs?
14.  What if I don't even know why I act the way I do?
15.  What are some helpful hints to improve my communication skills?
16.  What practical business concepts that I need to know to finally get it right?

These are just a few of the many questions we will answer together to help you achieve a healthy, successful and fulfilling business.  Each session is unique and geared toward your individual needs, making it very focused and essential to help you find the joy and success you seek.

 Two Major Processes Combine Into One Program For You to Create
a Prosperous and Successful Business 

 1.  Individual, VIP, One-On-One, 7 Session Program
2. Online, Independent Study, 7 Module Program

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1. Individual, VIP, One-On-One Personalized Sessions for Creating Business Success


7 Sessions for Transformation


  • Join me for this 7 session, personalized course designed to teach you how to discover, dialogue and transform your mind and business.  This awakened level of awareness is what frees you to experience success.


  • We will address your individual issues and uncover the deeper issues holding you back.  Next we move to resolve, release and transform your inner beliefs about what you deserve which has a profound effect upon your business success.


  • This is not a focus upon the past, it's using life coaching to move forward.  We look forward as to what needs to be done now, not what you should have done in the past.  You will understand how the past affected your business, but our focus is on what you can do now.


  • I will give you my support based upon my 25 years of personal and counseling experience.  You want to resolve your issues now and my goal is to guide you with what I have learned so that you can make more timely, informed choices.


  • In this seven-session training, I will guide you on a journey into your mysterious subconscious mind to learn how to take back control of your life and business. 


  • Integrating counseling, hypnotherapy and life coaching, I will support you along the path of creating a healthier ego.


  • Each session recorded for at-home use


  • Includes motivational audio


  • Unlimited email support


  • Weekly life coaching process for daily use and support


Our individual program also includes all the training material delivered in the weekly, independent online course described below


2. Online, Independent Study Course for Creating A Successful Business

7 Module program released weekly


  • Join us for this 7 week, online independent course that is presented in an audio format.


  • This process is designed to guide you as you discover, resolve and release old issues that hold you back from enjoying a fulfilling business.


  • Each module contains a specific exercise for you to experience actual transformation in your business.


  • Below is a summary of each transformative module....​



Candy Cotton

Your "Creating Successful Business" Online Study Course Outline

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Release old programming, energize your future and experience the financial success you were meant to discover.  lt's time to begin your journey to explore how incredible your life can be.

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INTRODUCTION - Your Pathway to Success

Where do we begin?

So how do we begin this journey toward fulfilling, prosperous business?  I think a good place to begin is with your issues.  What makes you want to change something about yourself?  What isn't working?  Why do you think you need help in the first place and why can't you do this on your own?


So let's begin by exploring your issues and the reasons that sabotage your business and possible others areas of your life as well...and the benefits of successfully doing so.  This one hour introduction session is your opportunity to help me create the specific elements of your program that best suits your needs.



MODULE 1 - Self Awareness


How Creating a Healthy Subconscious Mind Transforms Your Life and Business


The purpose of this program is to help you discover, understand, resolve and transform your subconscious mind so that you can enjoy a successful business.  In this module I want to fully understand and experience for yourself how your subconscious mind is in charge over much of what you think, feel, say and do; and how it controls most of your life and your business.


It's not your fault. it's just that you are not nearly as powerful as your subconscious mind.  In order to regain control you will discover how to create a healthy subconscious, a healthy ego. 


Topics include:


  • ​What is the role of your subconscious mind for business?

  • Discover how self awareness affects your life

  • Listen to your hypnosis session to overcome old programming


Exercise #1 includes:


  • Learn to differentiate the healthy from the unhealthy ego

  • Discover how their differences reflect their beliefs


Hypnosis - Self Confidence in Business




MODULE 2 - Discovery


Contact your subconscious mind to learn its secrets


Topics include:


  • This module will help you connect with your own subconscious mind

  • Learn more about what it is and how it works

  • You will discover why it does what it does and how it feels about your business success

  • Making the decision to change your life for the better is essential for you to wake up as to how little control you have had...until now

  • Who really has the "will power?"


Exercises #2 includes:


  • Learn how to contact your subconscious mind.

  • Discover your inner critic and your inner protector

  • Understand how it operates in your business


Hypnosis - Focus upon Creating a Successful Business




MODULE 3 - Awakenings


Discover the benefits of bringing your Authentic Self into your business


Topics include:


  • Creating the "you" of the future

  • Become aware of your issues 

  • Accepting that you deserve financial success

  • Worry and concern moves you away from the business you truly want and need


Exercise #3 includes:


  • Learn what level of vibration you are tuned into right now

  • How does this vibrational rate effect your abilities


Hypnosis – Find your Authentic Self to Transform your Business





MODULE 4 - Self Sabotage


Learn how your resistive mind will sabotage your business


Topics include:


  • Learn how your subconscious sabotages your efforts and what techniques it uses to hold you back

  • Focus on how to use your healthy self to change your money patterns. 

  • Discuss how the fear of success is far greater than the fear of failure.

  • Experience how your Guardians (inner protector) try to control you


Exercise #4 includes: 


  • Overcoming Guardian resistance by meeting your resistive mind

  • Begin the process of transformation


Hypnosis - Eliminate Guardian Self Sabotage for Success




MODULE 5 - Release the Past


Transform Your History by releasing old, limiting beliefs and behaviors about your business


Topics include:


  • Discover a new way of seeing your life free of old beliefs  

  • Learn how you draw what you need to transform your business

  • Release past issues to transform your life


Exercise #5 includes:


  • Cut the cords on anyone who has or is still holding you back

  • Learn the technique of uniting against your issues


Hypnosis – Release Past Issues




MODULE 6 - Create a Healthy, Awakened Self


Use these tools to change how you see yourself


Topics include:


  • Apply what you have learned to allow your authentic self to emerge

  • Discover other ways to apply what you have learned


Exercise #6 includes:


  • Intend your day every morning – Create the healthiest state of mind possible

  • Gratitude at night – Experience benefits right now

  • Imagine the you of the future


Hypnosis - Transformation for Business Success




MODULE 7 - Emergence


Bring your Awakened Self into your life


Topics include:


  • Allow daily life challenges to guide you to what you need to focus upon

  • Bring these issues healthily into your life

  • Learn how to release old reactions and behaviors with self awareness

  • Importance of being connected with your business


Exercise #7 includes:


  • Use tools like     and others

  • Discover a blueprint for your business success


​Hypnosis - Positive Belief in you and your Business



Plus Receive These 4 Additional Special Bonuses:
































Bonus #1


Schedule a free introductory session with me before your program


Bonus #2
Hypnosis audios that complement your sessions

Let me guide you on an inner journey to fill your subconscious mind with positive beliefs, behaviors and healthy habits for success.   Each module has a unique hypnosis session that complements your program.

Special Bonus #4


First 10 who sign up receive...


Free ebook, "Splinters of the Mind" that focuses on subconscious inner parts and how they affect your life


Bonus #3



Motivational audios for practical change


Use your motivational audio that comes with each module for   daytime conscious support, even while you are driving your car. These short, dynamic audios keep you focused and motivated.

If you have any questions, please schedule a
free phone consultation

Cosmic Sky

What Clients Have Said...


Matt Santi, Product Sales

David is awesome! He's a great person to bounce stuff off of, vent, whatever it is you need. He is so patient! He really helped me learn how to get better control of my own thoughts. It's a self program that works when you take the time to invest and do what he recommends. There is no magic pill for feeling better about life. Thank you!



Jesur Habek, Compliance and Relationship Manager for Pharmapacks

"David is amazing he is the first hypnotherapist I went to and he handled my mind with care. I was struggling depression from childhood psychological and mental damage.  He helped me to discern the authority in my mind from past trauma voices which in turn later helped me to come to a sense of acceptance. I'm grateful for the work he has done for me."



Victoria Lisowski, Interior Design


Working with David has been such a positive experience. David helped me understand and work through mental blocks which were preventing me from being truly happy. I learned so much and my life and outlook are very different for it! He is a great listener, gives very insightful feedback and is so dedicated and willing to do so much for his clients. I'd recommend him for anyone who wants a positive change in their lives!



Jean P., Art Director

I just completed my 10th session with David and absolutely love working with him! My life has improved so much through working with him.  The best part is that I don't even have to "remember" to be different.  I totally believe in his work and happily recommend him to anyone I meet who's looking to transform their life.  Thank you, David!



Kevin Kramer, Insurance Specialist

David Greenwood provides an excellent program that will help you with any of life’s natural obstacles. David helped me overcome many obstacles related to: anxiety, life balance, negative self-talk, and maintaining a positive perspective. This has resulted in a more rapid achievement of goals and a more realistic and positive proactive approach to life. David will help you be the person you want to be.



L. Bossi, Graphic Designer

David is absolutely fantastic. He's great just to talk to, as well as the hypnosis itself. I always came out of there feeling a thousand times better, calmer and a lot more positive. I love that he records the hypnosis sessions as MP3s and can just Dropbox them right to you; it's super convenient. Would highly recommend him. :)



Anna Ormsby,

David Greenwood used life coaching skills to help me detach from the emotional triggers in my life. I am motivated to achieve beyond the limits I had set and am exploring new skills and career possibilities without fear. A load of stress has been removed- thanks David!



Scott Lance

Here are a few recorded audio testimonials.  Find them at this link:​



Carla Jones

Dr. Greenwood in so many words has saved my life.  The experience was great and his method is thoughtful and supportive and positive.  I highly recommend his services.  I plan to go through another set of sessions with him just to continue to improve my life and gain a healthier inner self.






The Program Includes Both Plans...




































VIP Level

Individual Sessions


Independent Study

Online Course

Total Price for Both...$595


Special for Past Clients -Save $100.

Your Price...


Select the link below and you will be taken to the next page to complete the registration process 

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I unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with thIs process.  If after the first session and module #1 this program fails to meet your expectations - for any reason -

 I will refund your money with no further obligation.

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I am both honored and excited to be with you on this journey.  I will share my thoughts, feelings and experiences with you to help you overcome the old, conditioned ego and create a prosperous business that naturally results as you manifest your authentic self.


Through discussion, examples, exercises, guided meditation and hypnotherapy you will move beyond the limitations of your old programming and learn how life feels when experienced as a healthy self with a healthier ego.  Imagine how that transforms your life, your business, your relationships!


The key is to create a healthy ego which no longer holds onto old, resistive patterns of behaviors that you learned growing up and mistakenly believed were true about you.  A healthy ego either helps to transform your present business or draw to you a healthier one.


Over the course of this program you will learn how it feels to release the past and begin to live life in the present moment, with a healthier ego and more in alignment with life in the Now.  From this wonderful state of mind you will  improve your business so that it is in alignment with the financial prosperity you truly want.







Tucson Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy

David Greenwood


​Tel: 520-420-5070​



MA Psychology Counseling

CH Clinical Hypnotherapist

CPC Certified Professional Coach

MS Geoscientist

Greenwood Hypnotherapy and

Life Coaching for Tucson


4525 E. Skyline Dr., Suite 114, Tucson, AZ  85718






MA Psychology Counseling

CH Clinical Hypnotherapist

CPC Certified Professional Coach

MS Geoscientist


YouTube Video
Buzzsprout Podcast



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